What Would an Advertisement for Broccoli Look Like?
Let’s see more veggies!
Check out this article and video by Michael Moss, with a really interesting insight on what a campaign for broccoli would look like. Imagine seeing advertisements like this more often when you flip through the channels? Also, check out the Chef Ann Foundation featured in the video for more information on healthy eating for kids and ways to get better foods in schools.
As the corona virus continues to persist, there is a lot to be said for wanting to change your lifestyle and become a healthier individual. Many factors that contribute to being at a higher risk of contracting COVID have to do with underlying conditions directly related to weight. These risk factors can be alleviated with weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. The obesity pandemic is being met with a viral one and as the two collide, lives are being lost. Should there be campaigns for healthy eating and exercise? Could it save lives? Let us know what you think and for more on this topic, hit “read more” below.
This is What we are Talking About
This is why we are here.
The article attached below is a direct example of why we wanted to create this company. As the article states, in 2017, food companies spent multiple billions of dollars on TV ads. These ads are promoting their most unhealthy options and completely ignoring some of the amazing superfoods that are out there. The most unsettling part of this article are the broken down results revealing who the greatest audience of these unhealthy ads are: children. These companies know that kids, and specifically low income kids, are their “money makers” and continuously exploit that knowledge.
Michelle Knows
Michelle Knows
We miss you Michelle…here is a clip about the importance of knowing what kids are eating in schools. From an early age, it is an absolute necessity to learn what eating healthy looks like. Your kids eat a lot of meals at their school, do you trust that they are skipping over the soda and fried food and choosing the fruits and vegetables? According to the CDC, 13.7 million children and adolescents in the US are obese.