An explanation of why we are here:
As the founder of this company, I was beginning to explore what “healthy eating” actually means. As I continued my learning, I began to see that there are so many amazing foods out there, with incredible, positive benefits. I wanted to share the variety of information I have come across and help to promote healthy eating at the same time.
One of the most glaring issues I found was, there are no large corporations spending their marketing budgets on healthy options. You can’t fault them, historically vegetables don’t sell. You can fault them on how hard they are selling the unhealthy top selling options to kids, particularly lower income demographics.
Almost 40% of adults and 19% of kids in the US are obese. Almost half of overweight adults, were overweight as kids. The cycle must stop somewhere.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide information that can help bring awareness to better food options. If we can show kids that eating your vegetables is fun, as well as, show adults the benefits of changing your eating routine, we think we can change the obesity stats for the better!
We want you to help pass along the beneficial information you learn here. Become your own “Veggie Ad” by wearing our apparel. Make your own commercial. Do your own research. Share on social media. Let us know your results!
Here are some of our inspirations
Rudd Center
There is so much amazing information here for all ages! The Rudd Center does a great job trying to explain why consumers will hardly ever see an advertisement for something that is good for them.
The Weight of the Nation
This documentary is a must see. It is a few years old now, but is dense with stories that make you think, as well as question, “what more we can we do,” and “what can we do better?”